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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  February 10, 2013 8:00am-10:00am PST

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touch ministries. this program is made possible by the grace of god and your faithful prayers and gifts. ♪
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♪ i'm halfway to your heart ♪ you have to let me know ♪ so i don't make my worst mistake ♪ ♪ turn around and let you go [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. made with sweet, smooth peanut butter and salted, roasted peanuts. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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(male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> top stories we're following this sunday, february 10th. new developments this morning in the manhunt for christopher dorner. the former police officer suspected of killing three people. we'll have an update on that story. of of >> a bicyclist hit and killed outside the giants fan fest event at a-t and t
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park. and the big dig out is underway in the northeast where a big winter blizzard hit this weekend. we'll have more on the top stories in a moment first here at home. with this live look outside at san francisco. let's check in withnew this morning. >> . is a beautiful start. but another cool start. some areas of frost with a few degrees warmer compared to yesterday's. clear and cool. chilean fairfield the afternoon highs will see some more 60s. -through chilly -- in fairfield. the
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same sic mixture of 60s. even some 70's. >> a fatal shooting in san francisco's hayes valley neighborhood claims the life of one man. it happened in near alamo square park around two this morning. neighbors reported that multiple shots were fired. police say they're still searching for the killer. we'll bring you updates on this story as they become available. our developing story. the manhunt continues this morning for christopher dorner. the former l-a police officer out for revenge against the department that fired him. right now, more than 50 police officers and their families are being protected by fellow officers following death threats made by dorner. dorner blames the department and several former l-a-p-d colleagues for ending his career.
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authorities have been focusing their search on the big bear area in southern california. that's where dorner's charred pickup truck was found with weapons inside. let's go to kron four's mike pelton in the newsroom with more on our coverage. >> reporter: the l-a-p-d will reopen the investigation into the firing of christopher dorner who is accused of killing three people in retaliation against the department. dorner's manifesto calls the killing spree a last resort to clear his name. this all pertains to an incident in 2007 when dorner alleges he witnessed a white, female officer kick a mentally ill man named christopher gettler. dorner claims he reported the incident and was fired for doing so, however the l-a-p-d ruled the alleged kicks did not occur. dorner lost his appeal in 2011 which he claims is what helped spark this killing spree. the l-a-p-d chief announced the department will look into the incident once again.but not to appease dorner >> his allegations are
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abuse towards the apartment and i do not think that it is true. i do not want to lose this game that is the totality of the reason that i will look at this investigation, again la jolla. >> reporter: >> reporter: dorner claimed in his manifesto that because of that incident.he will target members of the l-a-p-d and their families until he gets a public response from the department. in his manifesto he writes, quote.when the truth comes out, the killing stops stay with kron four as we follow the latest developments in the manhunt for christopher dorner. we will have updates on our web site, kron four dot com. as well as on our facebook page and twitter feed. an early morning fatal shooting outside a bar in santa cruz. it happened on locust street near the red restaurant bar. police say 32-year-old pauly silva was shot to death at around 12-30
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saturday morning. witnesses tell investigators the victim had an altercation away from the area and was shot as he was entering the bar. three men are in custody.poli ce say two of them known gang members. a fatal accident outside of giants fan fest saturday. a woman riding her bike was hit and killed by a cement truck. police say the 30-year-old woman was riding west on king street near third when she was hit around 9-30 saturday morning. she got caught under the cement truck's rear axle and was run over. the truck dragged the bike for half a block. that's when the driver realized something was wrong and pulled over. >> the sound that is all i remember, the drdragging tracking and the sound of the bicycle.
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>> it was a tracking her. >> i did not know why that a cement truck did not stop. >> the driver has been cooperating with police. it happened in front of thousands of people waiting to take part in fan fest. witnesses described what police are still investigating what lead to the accident. it's unclear whether the driver will face any charges. police say the woman was likely headed to the giants fan fest. kron-4 is one of two local news outlets allowed to videotape barry bonds in federal court this week. the former giants slugger is appealing his 20-11 conviction on obstruction of justice charges. a jury found he gave evasive answers about his alleged steroid use. both kron and fox news will
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be recording the appeal proceedings on wednesday. you can watch coverage of the hearing on kron-four thoughout the evening. joe paterno's family is challenging the conclusion of an f-b-i report that paterno conspired to conceal sex abuse allegations against jerry sandusky. a report released this morning by the family of the legendary penn state coach says the observations of paterno by the f-b-i were unfounded. the f-b-i's findings were cited by the n-c-double-a when it handed down unprecedented sanctions against the penn state football program for the sandusky scandal. now to the latest on the storm that's pummeled the northeast. emergency crews and residents are clearing roadways and sidewalks. the storm being blamed for at least five deaths. you can see in the video on the left, dozens of cars stranded in the snow in long island. and on the right, that's timelapse video of the york
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city. about 400-thousand homes and businesses are still without power today. that's down from a high of 650-thousand. some school districts in new england say there will be no classes on monday. coming up on kron 4 news weekend your full forecast.
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>> in pleasant hill, police arrest a man suspected of robbing a jack in the box restaurant and holding employees hostage. they say samuel guerrero robbed the restaurant on contra costa boulevard saturday morning. he also held hostages at knifepoint. guerrero surrendered an hour after officers arrived. he has been booked on several charges including robbery and kidnapping. no one was hurt during the standoff. in the past few weeks, the suspects have targeted the fiesta gardens and shoreview neighborhoods in san mateo. and they tend to strike during the day. windows and answering knocks >> san francisco crews and volunteers spent part of the weekend sprucing up parts of the city. they focused on schools and other neighborhoods that needed some t-l-c.
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traffic islands and city property were swept of trash and weeds. this live look. for over 60,000 california foster children,
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nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment.
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i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow!
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cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. this is new video outside of bourbon street. a man is shot and in critical condition. they are using surveillance video.
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downtown soma area so we did clean up lots of mulching new video in this morning of a shooting during mardi gras celebrations in new orleans. the incident happened outside a club on bourbon street just before 9-30 saturday night. one man was shot and is now in critical condition. three other people were grazed by bullets. police say they are using surveillance and cell phone video to help them track down a suspect. california may soon take the lead as the nation's toughest state on gun control. right now, new york holds that position. as kron four's alecia reid explains, state lawmakers are moving ahead with a set of bills aimed at cutting down on gun violence. gun buyback programs in the bay area so far this yearand each one has had an getting guns off the streets isn't enough. more than a dozen gun control bills have previously been proposed, and now there are a few added measures. the recommendations are aimed at closing current loopholes. in addition to strengthening education about safe gun ownership,
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and keeping weapons in the hands of responsible users the bills willban future sales of semi automatics with detachable magazines there will be a 10 round limit on assault weapons, with fixed magazines that must be reloaded one at a time there will be a regulation on loaning firearms the bills will also restrict felons and the mentally ill from living in homes where weapons are present. guns will have to be safely stored in a lock box when the owner isn't around universal background checks won't only apply to everyone puchasing weapons, but also for current gun owners when buying ammunition. if the proposals pass, california will have the toughest gun laws across the country. in the newsroom, alecia reed, kron 4 news. >> let's take a quick look outside this morning. a bit chilly, janu? >> yes. this is the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. sunny and mild.
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tomorrow, a bit warmer compared to yesterday's. it will continue to warm as we go towards the workweek. thames, 31 and in santa rosa, napa. 32 and novato and redwood city and540's to the bayshore with 60s afternoon highs will be a mixture of 50s and 60s. for those headed out this evening. widespread 40's. taking a look at those afternoon highs. 50s for mountain view. 60s for concord. upper 50s for the
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east bayshore. 60s and petaluma even 70's by friday. >> former vice president dick cheney has some harsh criticisms of president obama. cheney says he thinks the president's choices for key cabinet posts are quote, "second rate". as a result, he thinks national security is at risk. cheney is a wyoming native. he made these remarks last night to members of the president obama nominated chuck hagel as defense secretary.
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cheney says hagel was picked so a republican could take the blame for any future cuts to defense spending. in afghanistan. marine general joseph dunford i the new man in charge of international forces in afghanistan. he replaces general john allen. who is nominated to lead nato forces in europe. allen was also exonerated in a pentagon investigation of questionable email exchanges with a florida woman. she was linked to the sex scandal that led to the resignation of c-i-a director david petraeus. dunford says the move is not about a change of command, its about continuity. >> a big day for boeing. the company is analyzing results of flight tests on it's 7-8- 7 planes. the test saturday was the first since the dreamliner was grounded three weeks ago due to battery fires. the 7-8-7 flew out of boeing field in seattle. spending two and a half hours in the air. the dreamliner is the first commercial plane to rely heavily on lithium-ion batteries. back in january -- a battery short-circuited and caught fire on a plane that landed in boston. >> some incredible video o straight ahead, many people celebrate chinese new year. the year of the stak snake
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mt. tam. (music) ♪ yeeeowwww!
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♪ hot mess hot mess hot mess ♪ ♪ you're a hot kind of love you set me on fire ♪ ♪ you spice up my night feed my every desire ♪ jack's one hit wonder is now a burger. the hot mess is loaded with spicy jalapeños, onion rings and gooey pepper jack cheese.
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♪ you're a - a hot mess and that's how i met your mom. ♪ hot mess did you just turn your ringer off so no one would interrupt oh no, i... just used my geico app to get a tow truck. it's gonna be 30 minutes. oh, so that means that we won't be stuck up here, for hours, with nothing to do. oh i get it, you wanna pass the time, huh. (holds up phone) fruit ninja!!! emergency roadside assistance. just a click away with the geico mobile app. have been working with viva, people have been daring them to clean up tough messes.
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my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. that is tough when wet. (peggy) grab viva, and break the rules on all your tough messes. >> will come back. take a look! these fantastic fireworks lighting up the night sky in beijing. as people in china celebrated the first few hours of the chinese new year saturday night. at midnight on the first day of the month in china's lunar calendar. it's a tradition they've been following for centuries. the media in china reports tens of thousands of firefighters and police officers
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were on standby -- in case of any fires and emergencies. the chinese government asked for fewer fireworks to light up the sky in an effort to reduce air pollution. and take a look at this! -- during the national anthem at a bakersfield condors hockey game on friday. the teams mascot got free from its handler and escaped across the ice. the handler managed to chase the condor down. but took a hard spill on the ice. allowing the large bird to get loose again. it then hopped across the ice and onto the bench sending some players and coaches running. eventually the condor headed down the tunnel to the lockerroom where its handler was able to capture it again. welcome back. we continue to follow developments on the if your sweet tooth is aching for something because cupcakes are kind of yesterday. >> this is a bread pudding parlor. >> i like bread pudding and gooey delicisous. with
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liberal amounts of love. >> i make this. it is in the hayes valley in san francisco when you can relive your childhood. the my grandmother made me this. >> id is comfort food and eeoy gooey goodness with warm. chilled, gleten free and whisdey sauce and earl gray >> is almost as good as homemade. a lot >> of great choices.. and go to kine
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and dish..--dine and dish.. coming up search for christopher dorner. the ex- police officer who went on a killing rampage and is believed to be armed and dangerous. a beautiful look from heavenly valley. partly cloudy skies although not many clouds highs in the '20s and the 30's. north east by 10-15 m.p.h., a beautiful day. (music)
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(male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> saturday, helicopters and armed officers scoured the big bear area in the san bernardino mountains. for through knee high snow for days. we've learned weapons were found in the burned out behind in that area. there's new surveillance video just being released from an auto parts store in san diego county that appears to show dorner on the move. the video shows a man believed to be dorner tossing a magazine full of bullets and a military belt into a dumpster. this video was taken monday. the day after dorner allegedly shot and killed two people about 90 miles north in irvine. >> reporter: the l-a-p-d will reopen the investigation into the firing of christopher dorner who is accused of killing three people in retaliation against the department. dorner's manifesto calls the killing spree a last resort to clear his name. this dates back to an
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incident in 2007 when dorner alleges he witnessed a white, female officer kick a mentally ill man named christopher gettler. dorner claims he reported the incident and was fired for doing so. >> the chief was very clear. he wants to ensure that the public know was that the lapd is fair and transparent. to go through and insure the public is informed. >> reporter: dorner lost his appeal in 2011 which he claims is what helped spark this killing spree. the l-a-p-d will now look into the incident once again.but authorities say they are *not doing this for a public response from asking for an apology. dorner vowed in his manifesto to kill police officers and their families until his name is cleared. >> san francisco police are investigating a deadly outside the giants fan fest event. a 30 year old woman riding her bike was hit and killed by a cement truck saturday morning. caught under the truck's rear axle and was run over. investigators are now
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looking into what exactly lead up to the accident. pa >> thousands of eager giants fans packed the area around a-t and t ballpark for fan fest. they not only got to meet with the players and get autographs, but also view two world series trophies. kron four's jeff pierce spoke to some of the fans who say they can't wait for baseball season to begin. more than forty thousand giants fans showed up at at&t park saturday morning to start thinking about baseball and have the opportunity to get the view of the stadium from the players perspective. >> i always wanted to be on a baseball field all my life. >> got my tickets already can't wait for them to defend their title. >> it's great to be down on the field looking up. >> reporter: it was a day for families to celebrate being giants fans. >> i came with my brother christopher, and my dad the whole family >> maybe down the road he can go the world series and come to something like this. >> reporter: even my favorite sportscaster had
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his family along. >> gary radnich: spencer and this is isabella. (cheers & applause) >> reporter: fans were able to greet players like 1st basebaseman brandon bell, and pitchers madison baumgardner and ryan vogelsong. and those fans wearing panda hats were not disappointed. the lucky ones who got there early managed to escape the autograph lines and score a signature. >> we left at five in the morning from hollister california so we got here pretty early we waited in line and snuck down here and now we're the lucky winners because we got some autographs. >> reporter: perhaps no one was more pleased the season is approaching then giants manager bruce bouchy. >> bouchy: every year when the super bowl ends it's our time to come to get ready and come up here to fanfest it's a lot of fun for these guys but it also signals the time for spring training, we open up tuesday. >> reporter: while the serious business of spring training lies before them fanfest was one more opportunity for the team to express their gratitude to those who fill the stands.
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>> bouchy: unbelievable we know how lucky we are to get this kind of support, every night sold out, the parade, the players are still talking about that. for these fans to show all this support they know how lucky they are and as i've said many times these players don't want to win just for themselves they want to win for these fans here. >> reporter: at at&t park in san francisco, jeff pierce- kron four news and update on injured giants fan bryan stow. organizers say they have raised more than 75- thousand dollars from benefit concerts for stow. the former paramedic was
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severely beaten at dodger stadium in 2011. he's been in and out of the hospital to get treated for blood clots. will-power entertainment is also organizing the first "bottle-rock" music festival in napa valley. that takes place may eight through 12. some of the proceeds from that festival will benefit the bryan stow fund. >> a massachusetts boy is among five people who've died as a result of the storm that pounded the northeast. boston fire officials say the boy died of carbon monoxide poisoning. investigators say while the boy's father shoveled out their snowed-in car, the boy got inside the runningsnow covered the exhaust pipe, filling the car with fumes. the child was pronounced dead at the hospital. >> let's take a quick look outside this morning. let's check in for your first forecast. >> yes. chilly. many places starting below freezing. slightly warmer temperatures compared to yesterday. clear, cold but pretty windy at the higher elevations. taking a look at where temperatures are if your headed out the door? 33
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novato.. 30's through vallejo, napa, concord, 34 decrease in the san mateo. the afternoon highs will see 60s with 34-degrees -- in the san miguel. livermore, antioch. and half moon bay. for the north bay, low 60s. 60s in san rafael. 64 degrees in napa. nearly 60 downtown san francisco with a warming trend continuing. following the film. >there could be more public
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affirmation of available for public drones public information available. >> and a free movie screening that will help pare that struggle with obesity. in the meantime, the san mateo bridge. hardly any traffic we will be right back . (music) mom, i invited justin over for lunch.
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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♪ i -- i got it, i got it made ♪ i got it made, i got it made ♪ i got it made ♪ fresh at subway ♪ breakfast made the way i say [ male announcer ] at subway, you got breakfast made. like an under 200 calorie steak egg white & cheese. subway. eat fresh. >> today, there will be a free screening of the h-b-o documentary "weight of the nation" at touro university in vallejo. the screening is hosted by the school's public health club. the documentary features case studies and interviews with experts and families struggling with obesity it also explores how obesity affects the health of nations and cripples the health care system.
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>> kaira 5 ft. 10 and i am 240 lbs.. >> one-third of americans are obese and the other half one-third is overweight. >> is the biggest threat to the future of this country. >> there will be a discussion with doctors, public health officers and students following the film. today's screening takes place at 3 p-m and will be held at 1310 club drive. >> if you've been wanting a dog or cat, you might consider picking one up today. it's the last day of the san francisco s-p-c-a's "be mine" adopt-a-thon. the organization will waive the usual fees for taking home a furry friend. these are just a few of the animals still available. you can find them at 250 florida street between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. there will also be a bake sale during today's event. and something called the "smooch the pooch" kissing booth. >> coming up next on kron four news weekend. overheated. a u-c berkeley professor addresses the
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issue of climate change and its implications. you can see in this picture how melting icebergs have affected these polar bears. andrew guzman joins us in studio. and the latest on your bay area forecast as we take this live look outside.
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>> welcome back. a beautiful shot from our mount tam cam a bit breezy from the coastal areas but also, cool. tomorrow, temperatures will warm. it will continue right through the work week. temperatures right now, are below freezing in napa. 31. low 40's in daly city, half moon bay. 30's and pleasanton, san jose. tracking the temperatures throughout the day on
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futurecast 4 with widespread 50s. widespread 50s also all along the bay shore with even the 60s indicated by the green on your screen it. this evening, 40's. taking a look at this afternoon, may be low 60s expected for the south bay. 60s expected in richmond, berkeley, san leandro. the satellite & radar with this high- pressure in place. dry and a warming trend. you can see your kron 4 7 day around the bay plenty of chilly nights but a warming up for the work week. temperatures could even get to the 70's. >> no matter how you feel about it, many scientists say climate change is a real, global concern. our guest this morning says
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while a two degree celsius increase in global temperatures seems like a minor change. it will change everything. joining us this morning to talk about this is andrew guzman, he's a professor of law and associate dean for international and executive education at u-c berkeley. and he's written a book called, 'overheated: the human cost of climate change'. welcome. you have worked on this for the past three or four years. >> the real message are want to make is that climate change will impact everything. the very structure on what we have built our society. it is easy to say that it will have an affect on the pacific like, hurricane sandy. but what people do not appreciate is every aspect of our society. how it will impact of one another edible to apply.
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>> one things that we're noticing as the sierra snowpack one other -- impact each other. >> yes about 30 percent of the snow pack could be gone. and if you think about how much water that provides us with the population growth. the arithmetic just quite frankly does not work. >> as we talk about rural impact. you were talking about a lot of people moving from one portion of the globe to move to another portion of the globe with overcrowding associated. >> exactly. and management problems do borders really work? when people are trying to find a place to go with homes that are not inevitable. governments that are trying to keep them out to. or the home seller- not in habitable they will-
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or one country that you have pinpointed is bangladesh >> bangladesh rightly so, they could have their land area destroyed. and bigger cities even flooded out with tens of millions of people will have nowhere to go. it is one of the poorest countries in the world. india could perhaps have its own problems and also tried to emigrate people from bangladesh these displaced people is what we have not seen it. we of not seeing displacement of the population on this scale. >> we saw that polar bear photograph tell us about that. >> the ice at the polar section is melting. that
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means rising seas with faster attemptemperatures changing. and that is something that we do not have control over. it is a specially an epidemic in antarctica. and if these rise with 1 m we are not ready for that. >> are we beyond the concern of that it is happening or is it a scientific now mumbo jumbo? >> we're trying to move back and beyond that argument. people are somewhat in the nile but some people are doing about it. whether or not humans have caused it but that does not lead us to policy solutions. >> if the u.s. government is not to join and of our
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state governments, like california reaching out and starting to recognize? >> california is certainly a leader. they can do some things but they cannot do everything it would be better if it was done at the national level. i will take it were i get it. >> in many cases we talk about the environment california often leads the way. >> that is right. >> professor guzman is appearing at university press books in berkeley. that's on february 12th from 6 to 7-30 p-m. for more information go to andrew we will be right back.
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save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free finanin your wallet.pedic. kes sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now. you in heaven. wrapped in luxury. you in action. you in motion.
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you in luck. play in style. talking stick resort, scottsdale. book now to enjoy cactus league spring training rates. >> today is the third day of the carnival in rio de jan
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eiro.. thousands of city workers will be working hard to keep the streets clean. they expected it to generate $665 million for the local economy. >> bay area sports. stumble on the road. golden state had started the season records in the n-b-a. they had a chance to turn things around against the dallas mavericks saturday night but fell behind early. stephen curry scored 18 points and carl landry added 13. but in the end, the warriors couldn't pull through losing 116-91. the four game losing streak is is the longest on the year for the warriors. they host the houston rockets on tuesday. after winning the first seven games to start the season the sharks entered
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saturday's game against the phoenix coyotes on a three game losing streak. and unfortunately for the sharks they fell in a shootout. losing one-to- nothing. kron four's vicki liviakis and mark danon were at the game. the sharks antii niemi was nearly perfect. recording 21 saves and registering his first shutout of the season. but it still wasn't enough as the sharks failed to convert in overtime. next up, the sharks head to columbus to take on the blue jackets on monday. >> today wraps up the pebble beach national pro-am golf tournament. in the third round saturday, the leaderboard looked eerily familiar. that's because brandt snedeker and james hahn continued to share the lead at minus-twelve. phil mickelson had a rough day. taking a spill near the 18-th hole. and finishing at minus-one. and the tournament wouldn't be complete without bill murray and his shenanigans. jim harbaugh continued to play well. he and his partner. jason day are currently tied for eighth place. l ahead, new video of
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christopher dorner... and more on the conditions in the east. knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of people. add a bay area warm up. with your full forecast and about two minutes. (music)
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(male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> top stories we're following this sunday, february 10th. new developments this morning in the manhunt for
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suspected of killing three people. we'll have an update on that story. a bicyclist hit and killed outside the giants fan fest event at a-t and t park. and the big dig out is underway in the northeast where a big winter blizzard we'll have more on the top look outside at san francisco. 30's right now in napa. 60s and mi expecte in los gatos. and
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inland, also 64 expected in napa. 63 expected in santa rosa. low 60s for downtown san francisco. and with some further warming possible. new this morning. >> a fatal shooting in san francisco's western addition neighborhood claims the life of one man. it happened in near alamo square park around two this morning. neighbors reported that police say they're still searching for the killer. >> our developing story. the manhunt continues this morning for christopher dorner. the former l-a police officer out for revenge against the department that fired him. right now, more than 50 police officers and their families are being protected by fellow officers following death threats made by dorner. dorner blames the department and several former l-a-p-d colleagues for ending his career. authorities have been focusing their search on the big bear area in southern california.
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that's where dorner's charred pickup truck was found with weapons inside. let's go to kron four's mike pelton in the newsroom with more on our coverage. the l-a-p-d will reopen the investigation into the firing of christopher dorner who is accused of killing three people in retaliation against the department. dorner's manifesto calls the killing spree a last resort to clear his name. this all pertains to an incident in 2007 when dorner alleges he witnessed a white, female officer kick a mentally ill man named christopher gettler. dorner claims he reported the incident and was fired for doing so, however the l-a-p-d ruled the alleged kicks did not occur. dorner lost his appeal in 2011 which he claims is what helped spark this killing spree. the l-a-p-d chief announced the department will look into the incident once again.but not to appease dorner >> his allegations are about a police department that
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does not treat african- americans fairly and i do not think that is true. i want to make sure that we do not lose that precious ground that we have gained because of these allegations. that is the totality of the reasons that i will look at this investigation, again. >> reporter: dorner claimed in his manifesto that because of that incident.he will target members of the l-a-p-d and their families until he gets a public response from the department. he is essentially looking for his apologyin his manifesto he writes, quote.when the truth comes >> that was mike pelton in our newsroom. stay with kron four as we follow the latest developments in the manhunt we will have updates on our web site, kron four dot com. as well as on our facebook page and twitter feed. >> an early morning fatal shooting outside a bar in santa cruz. it happened on locust street near the red restaurant bar. police say 32-year-old pauly
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silva was shot to death at around 12-30 saturday morning. witnesses tell investigators the victim had an altercation away from the area and was shot as he was entering the bar. three men are in custody.poli ce say two of them known gang members. >> a fatal accident outside of giants fan fest saturday. a woman riding her bike was hit and killed by a cement truck. police say the 30-year-old woman was riding west on king street near third when she was hit around 9-30 saturday morning. she got caught under the cement truck's rear axle and was run over. the truck dragged the bike for half a block. that's when the driver realized something was wrong and pulled over. the driver has been cooperating with police. it happened in front of thousands of people waiting to take part in fan fest. witnesses described what they saw. >> the sound of the bicycle, that is what i remember. grinding underneath the truck and her underneath it, that is all i remember. >> she went under the truck.
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the rear wheels went from here, over. >> it was a bit shocking at that time i do not know why the cement truck did not stop at that time. >> police are still investigating what lead to the accident. it's unclear whether the driver will face any charges. police say the woman was likely headed to the giants >> kron-4 is one of two local news outlets allowed to videotape barry bonds in federal court this week. the former giants slugger is appealing his 20-11 conviction on obstruction of justice charges. a jury found he gave evasive answers about his alleged steroid use. both kron and fox news will be recording the appeal proceedings on wednesday. you can watch coverage of the hearing on kron-four thoughout the evening. >> joe paterno's family is challenging the conclusion of an f-b-i report that paterno conspired to conceal sex abuse allegations against jerry sandusky. a report released this morning by the family of the legendary penn state coach says the observations of paterno by the f-b-i were unfounded. the f-b-i's findings were cited by the n-c-double-a when it handed down
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unprecedented sanctions against the penn state football program for the sandusky scandal. now to the latest on the storm that's pummeled the northeast. emergency crews and residents are clearing roadways and sidewalks. the storm being blamed for at least five deaths. you can see in the video on the left, dozens of cars stranded in the snow in long island. and on the right, that's timelapse video of the blizzard arriving in new york city. about 400-thousand homes and businesses are still without power today. that's down from a high of 650- thousand. some school districts in new england say there will be no classes on monday. as we go to this break let us check from columbus circle in the new-york. we will be right. right
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♪ we were skipping stones and letting go ♪
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♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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in pleasant hill, police arrest a man suspected of robbing a jack in the box restaurant and holding employees hostage. they say samuel guerrero robbed the restaurant on contra costa boulevard saturday morning. he also held hostages at knifepoint. guerrero surrendered an hour after officers arrived. he has been booked on several charges including robbery and kidnapping. no one was hurt during the standoff. >> police are warning residents on the peninsula to be on the lookout for burglars. in the past few weeks, the suspects have targeted the fiesta gardens and shoreview neighborhoods in san mateo. and they tend to strike during the day. police recommend locking windows and answering knocks behind closed doors. if a visitor refuses to leave when you ask, call for help right away. suspect vehicle descriptions include a charcoal-colored four-door acura and a dark colored minivan. >> san francisco crews and volunteers spent part of the weekend sprucing up parts of the city. they focused on schools and
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other neighborhoods that needed some t-l-c. traffic islands and city property were swept of trash and weeds. >> today is our first team event so we did district six downtown soma area so we did clean up lots of mulching projects, lots of greening projects we also do graffiti abatement,sweeping the streets and greening up the neighborhood. it's a real good turnout and it's fun to do. we cleaned up all the garbage on this street and weeded all these tree bases. >> the event called the "giant sweep" is also scheduled in april. june and september. >> coming up there is a new commander in charge of the international troops in afghanistan in the meantimelet's take a quick look outside this morning. walnut creek plenty of sunshine and warming temperatures.
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>> welcome back. this is a view from mt. tam. plenty of sunshine. warming temperatures but a chilly start. let's check in with meteorologist, janu arasu.. >> good morning, marty. plenty of sunshine but there is a lot of freezing temperatures. that warming trend will continue right through your work week. even the 70's. temperatures right now are slowly warming 30's in santa rosa. 30's in richmond, vallejo, and fremont and 42 degrees in san jose. by 10:00 a.m., widespread '50's and 40's along the bayshore. by noon, some widespread 50s and 60s
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indicated by the greed. that is where lows are headed with that-green-with 8:00 p.m., where that cool down will see 40's. a bit chilly. the afternoon highs will see low 60s. and 60s for santa clara. redwood city. 59 in fremont and low 60s along the delta. pleasanton, fairfield, union city. 60 degrees for downtown san francisco. low 60s for the north bay. your kron 4 7 day around the bay we are going to continue to see that warming trend with even 70's. has wrapped up the work week. >> new video in this morning of a shooting during mardi gras celebrations in new orleans. the incident happened
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outside a club on bourbon street just before 9-30 saturday night. one man was shot and is now in critical condition. three other people were grazed by bullets. police say they are using surveillance and cell phone video to help them track down a suspect. california may soon take the lead as the nation's toughest state on gun control. right now, new york holds that position. as kron four's alecia reid explains, state lawmakers are moving ahead with a set of bills aimed at cutting down on gun violence. >> reporter: there have been a number of gun buyback programs in the bay area so far this yearand each one has had an overwhelming turnout. but getting guns off the streets isn't enough. more than a dozen gun control bills have previously been proposed, and now there are a few added measures. the recommendations are aimed at closing current loopholes. in addition to strengthening education about safe gun ownership, and keeping weapons in the hands of responsible users the bills will ban future sales of semi automatics with dthere will be a 10 round
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limit on assault weapons, with fixed magazines that must be reloaded one at a time there will be a regulation on loaning firearms the bills will also restrict felons and the mentally ill from living in homes where weapons are present. guns will have to be safely stored in a lock box when the owner isn't around universal background checks won't only apply to everyone puchasing weapons, but also for current gun owners when buying ammunition. if the proposals pass, california will have the toughest gun laws across the country. since the new to in connecticut the president has called on congress to cut it down on gun violence. this state of the union address will be on tuesday and cover of giffords will be there to hear what the president has to say gabrielle giffords will be
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there. alecia reed, kron 4. >> former vice president dick cheney has some harsh criticisms of president obama. cheney says he thinks the president's choices for key cabinet posts are quote, "second rate". as a result, he thinks national security is at risk. cheney is a wyoming native. he made these remarks last night to members of the state's republican party. president obama nominated chuck hagel as defense secretary. cheney says hagel was picked so a republican could take the blame for any future cuts to defense spending. there's a new u-s commander in afghanistan. marine general joseph dunford i the new man in charge of international forces in afghanistan. he replaces general john allen. who is nominated to lead nato forces in europe. allen was also exonerated in a pentagon investigation of questionable email exchanges with a florida woman. she was linked to the sex scandal that led to the resignation of c-i-a director david petraeus. dunford says the move is not about a change of command, its about continuity. >> a big day for boeing. the company is analyzing results
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of flight tests on it's 7-8- 7 planes. the test saturday was the first since the dreamliner was grounded three weeks ago due to battery fires. the 7-8-7 flew out of boeing field in seattle. spending two and a half hours in the air. the dreamliner is the first commercial plane to rely heavily on lithium-ion batteries. back in january -- a battery short-circuited and caught fire on a plane that landed in boston. >> coming up smart phone users. doctors have a warning involving your face. ♪ ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal --
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heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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>> a negative side effect of the technology in our lives. smart- phones and tablets are being blamed for a new phenomenon. dubbed "smart- phone face". facial skin sagging, or drooping, more quickly than nature intended. researchers say. it is caused by people spending hours with their heads. bent down looking at their gadgets. kron 4's tech reporter gabe slate shares the warning. doctors want all gadget users to hear. >> the american society of plastic surgeons has reported a huge surge in and scanned the tightening and chin implant surgery. this combats groupings can scan the tightening skin treatments. it believes that moscow could lose elasticity with prolonged time used on new media
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devices. the more the we are putting our faces down, the more the gravity is amplified. mariennette lines and increased jowels... however, if you think about it it makes sense. look a round. oh my gosh! everybody has their faces down and look at these strange is strangers. and of coe there is an easy solution. but i do not see this trend of your smart phone or tablet at head level or eye level. if you saw someone doing this you would not think that they are preventing second skin..
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preventing seconds can but there are other items to prevent -- sagging skin. >> if you are looking down constantly, at your cellphone, your ipad. there could be tensions that will continually be concentrated on the back of your neck. give yourself a break. open up your chest. step away from the electronic media. [laughter] >> and take a look at this! -- during the national anthem at a bakersfield condors hockey game on friday. the teams mascot got free from its handler and escaped across the ice. the handler managed to chase the condor down. but took a hard spill on the ice. allowing the large bird to get loose again. sending some players and eventually the condor headed lockerroom where its handler again.
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also, the chinese new year is being celebrated with fireworks. the chinese government is asking for fewer fireworks in an effort to help reduce air pollution. >> take a look if this was turn the eventually the condor eaded ...down the hallway to the locker room .
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well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year
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when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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>> welcome back. a massachusetts boy is among five people who've died as a pounded the northeast. boston fire officials say the boy died of carbon monoxide poisoning. investigators say while the boy's father shoveled out their snowed-in car, the boy got inside the running vehicle to stay warm. snow covered the exhaust pipe, filling the car with fumes. the child was pronounced dead at the hospital. >> we are expecting continued sunshine. let's take a quick look outside this morning. let's check in with meteorologist, janu arasu for your first forecast.
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>> we've will see some areas of inland frost in the cold start but slightly warmer today compared to yesterday's. we will see those winds picking up at the higher elevations. 60s in santa rosa. 60s expected in the oakland, redwood city. however, 30's only to start right now. 64 expected in napa. with low 60s through antioch, livermore and 50s through sunnyvale. taking a look at a sunnyvale there is high- pressure 70's even expected by the end of the workweek.
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>> follow developments on the search for christopher dorner. the ex-police officer who went on a killing rampage and is believed to be armed and dangerous. saturday, helicopters and armed officers scoured the big bear area in the san bernardino mountains. officers have been trudging through knee high snow for days. we've learned weapons were found in the burned out pickup truck dorner left behind in that area. there's new surveillance video just being released from an auto parts store in san diego county that appears to show dorner on the move. the video shows a man believed to be dorner tossing a magazine full of bullets and a military belt into a dumpster. this video was taken monday. the day after dorner allegedly shot and killed two people about 90 miles north in irvine. mike? >> reporter: the l-a-p-d will reopen the investigation into the firing of christopher dorner who is accused of killing three people in retaliation against the department. dorner's manifesto calls the killing spree a last resort to clear his name. this dates back to an
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incident in 2007 when dorner alleges he witnessed a white, female officer kick a mentally ill man named christopher gettler. dorner claims he reported the incident and was fired for doing so. dorner lost his appeal in 2011 which he claims is what helped spark this killing spree. the l-a-p-d will now look into the incident once again.but authorities say they are *not doing this because dorner is looking for a public response from the department, essentially asking for an apology. >> the chief has been very clear on this. he is no way multiple murderer. he wants to make sure that the los angeles police department is wanting to assure the public that we are clear and transparent. >> reporter: dorner vowed in his manifesto to kill police officers and their families until his name is cleared. san francisco police are
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investigating a deadly accident that happened outside the giants fan fest event. a 30 year old woman riding her bike was hit and killed by a cement truck saturday morning. police say somehow, she got caught under the truck's rear axle and was run over. investigators are now looking into what exactly lead up to the accident. >> thousands of eager giants fans packed the area around a-t and t ballpark for fan fest. they not only got to meet with the players and get autographs, but also view two world series trophies. kron four's jeff pierce spoke to some of the fans who say they can't wait for baseball season to begin >> reporter: more than forty thousand giants fans showed up at at&t park saturday morning to start thinking about baseball and have the opportunity to get the view of the stadium from the >> i always wanted to be on a baseball field all my life. >> got my tickets already
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can't wait for them to defend their title. >> it's great to be down on the field looking up. >> reporter: it was a day for families to celebrate being giants fans. >> i came with my brother christopher, and my dad the whole family >> maybe down the road he can go the world series and come to something like this. >> reporter: even my favorite sportscaster had his family along. >> gary radnich: spencer and this is isabella. (cheers & applause) >> reporter: fans were able to greet players like 1st basebaseman brandon bell, and pitchers madison baumgardner and ryan vogelsong. and those fans wearing panda hats were not disappointed. the lucky ones who got there early managed to escape the autograph lines and score a signature. >> we left at five in the morning from hollister california so we got here pretty early we waited in line and snuck down here and now we're the lucky winners
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because we got some autographs. perhaps no one was more pleased the season is approaching then giants manager bruce bouchy. >> bouchy: every year when the super bowl ends it's our time to come to get ready and come up here to fanfest it's a lot of fun for these guys but it also signals the time for spring training, we open up tuesday. >> reporter: while the serious business of spring training lies before them fanfest was one team to express their gratitude to those who fill the stands. >> bouchy: unbelievable.. we know how lucky we are to get this kind of support, every night sold out, the parade, the players are still talking about that. for these fans to show all this support they know how lucky they are and as i've said many times these players don't want to win just for themselves they want to win for these fans here. >> reporter: at at&t park in san francisco, jeff pierce- kron four news >> and update on injured giants fan bryan stow. organizers say they have raised more than 75-thousand
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dollars from benefit concerts for stow. the former paramedic was severely beaten at dodger stadium in 2011. he's been in and out of the hospital to get treated for blood clots. will-power entertainment is also organizing the first "bottle-rock" music festival in napa valley. that takes place may eight through 12. some of the proceeds from that festival will benefit the bryan stow fund. still ahead, the grammy awards and tonight a preview.
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let's take a quick look outside this morning. >> this beautiful look outside. 29-34 degrees in
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this year as expected. 10 m.p.h.-15 m.p.h.. in this era is expected. >> with a look at the peninsula a beautiful start. we have reported some patchy frost but it is going to be sunny and mild. that warming trend is going to continue. taking a look at where temperatures are. 30's in santa rosa, and 40's near san mateo. 42 degrees in san jose. the afternoon highs with upper 50s and 60s. 60s expected in san jose. 60s in pittsburgh, antioch, livermore. and the east bay shore with a mixture of the
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50s and 60s. 60s in alameda, berkeley. upper 50s for the coast. 59 degrees expected in pacifica. and the north bay with a 61 degrees in the sonoma. 62 degrees in petaluma. warmer for napa. as we take a look your kron 4 7 day around the bay we are going to continue the warm up. with 70's as we wrap up the work week. >> oftoday wraps up the pebble beach national pro-am golf tournament. in the third round saturday, the leaderboard looked eerily familiar. that's because brandt snedeker and james hahn continued to share the lead at minus-twelve. phil mickelson had a rough day. taking a spill near the 18-th hole. and finishing at
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minus-one. and the tournament wouldn't be complete without bill murray and his shenanigans. meanwhile, 49ers head coach jim harbaugh continued to play well. he and his partner. jason day are currently tied for eighth place. >> coming up a make up make over some expert advice.. what you should be keeping and what you can toss... ♪
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♪ i'm halfway to your heart ♪ you have to let me know ♪ so i don't make my worst mistake ♪ ♪ turn around and let you go [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible.
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made with sweet, smooth peanut butter and salted, roasted peanuts. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious. ♪ yeeeowwww! ♪ hot mess hot mess hot mess ♪ ♪ you're a hot kind of love you set me on fire ♪ ♪ you spice up my night feed my every desire ♪ jack's one hit wonder is now a burger. the hot mess is loaded with spicy jalapeños, onion rings and gooey pepper jack cheese.
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♪ you're a - a hot mess and that's how i met your mom. ♪ hot mess >> o with valentine's day quickly well underway. many of us are looking to switch up our look. there's a special event happening today that allows you to take a closer look at your make up bag and make some changes. and here to tell us about it is lijha stewart, she's an artist and educator with make up for ever.
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the event is called the make up for ever "make up bag remix tour" >> bring your makeup bacg we will do an overall inventory of your makeup. what you have. work with it is your current inventory. you brought me your makeup beck. >> tell me what i should add, subtract. >> if you have a lot of eye shadows, what i should keep. >> so many people like to do a smokey eye... and also if you have mass terror tha you've had for longer than four-six weeks to a -- mascara... you should get rid of it. and also, a
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primer. >> this is our hd primer is like a velcro for your finish.. also invite you to get a color match. some people are not foreshore on their current color foundation and confidence if it is the right color. >> we will provide you a color correction guide if you come down. >> women need a primer, a foundation, a neutral eye shadow and i lighter and an eyeliner and a red lip we can show you how to choose a
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red lip and how to pick the perfect lip... and the right shade and make up forever to swap on the back of their wrist. its taking place today from 11 a-m to 7 tonight. at stonestown galleria in san francisco. 30 minute private appointments or even a flash feature about in front with five formulas of make up forever.. and what i noticed yesterday is that they were not were right should of foundation. your
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skin is your business card to the workd give you some great items and also i see a lot of impulse buys and let us show you how to use your existing make up..for more information go to
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makeup bagremix .com. thank you and we'll be right thank you anyou can't moveht the tv there. back yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. when you bundle tv and internet. save get a sealy queen set on befor just $399.osturepedic. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now.
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>> the grammy awards will be handed out tonight in los angeles. many new artists are up for top awards. and they're all under the age of 40. nischelle turner has the story. >> 'we are young.. that feels like the theme this is about the black keys and mumford and sons and jack white and all nominated for album of the year and mum
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ford and son go into the nominations with 6 a piece but the attention was 'fun' the power pop trio from nyc and this is another artist 'ocean' singing about in love with anohter man.. and alabama shakes..folk rock
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trio the lumineers and now six people to a hotel and now a grammy nomination and justin timberlake and rhianna and a collaboration with rhianna with sting. news tonight at eight. also, there will be case studies with a free screening of the hbo film 'wight of the nation'...
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i am 5 ft. 10, and 240 lbs.. >> one-third of americans are obese. the other third is overweight. it is the biggest threat to the health and welfare of the nation. >> there will always also be discussions with doctor's. this will be on the club drive in vallejo. on that note, thank you for joining us we will see you saturday and to join us tonight at 8:00 p.m..


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